Does Celsius Burn Fat?

Celsius has become one of the most popular fitness energy drinks in the last few years. It has zero grams of sugar and only 10 calories per serving. This brings us to the following question: does Celsius burn fat?

The short answer is yes and no (here me out). The truth is, you won’t shed inches off your waist by drinking a can of Celsius and sitting on the couch.

In order to burn fat your body must be in a caloric deficit. There’s no special drink that will speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight.

But Celsius does contain caffeine – a stimulant that has been proven to aide in weight loss. You can see how this creates a gray area, which is why Celsius can get away with putting this claim on their label.

Related: Is Celsius bad for you?

Caffeine & Fat Burning

So, does Celsius burn fat? Well, kind of – because the popular energy drink contains 200mg of caffeine per serving. This stimulant can be found in most fat-burning supplements on the market.

Caffeine is a substance known to help mobilize fats from your fat tissues and increase your body’s metabolism. In other words, caffeine sends signals to the fat sells, telling them to break down fat.

But there’s one very important thing to remember. This process only works with fat loss if you’re burning more calories than you consume each day (also known as a caloric deficit).

That means drinking Celsius (or caffeine) by itself will not magically help you burn fat. Your body must be burning more calories than you are taking in to lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many calories does Celsius burn?

There are many different factors that will impact this answer. Age, height, weight, sex, and gender are just some of those factors. Doing the same workout does not guarantee 100 calories burned.

The level of effort you display in a workout is another important factor. An individual who does 20 minutes of light biking will burn less calories than someone who does 5-10 minutes of sprinting.

Does Celsius Increase Metabolism?

Again, this answer really needs to be explained further. It’s impossible to “reset” your metabolism by drinking one can of Celsius. However, improving your diet and exercising on a regular basis can speed up your metabolism.

That means Celsius can be used as a supplement if you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and training. Replacing a daily glass of soda with Celsius can technically increase your metabolism, because you’ve effectively taken one small step at improving your diet.

Is Celsius a Pre-Workout or Energy Drink?

Celsius can be used as a pre-workout and energy drink. Two things to remember is that this beverage has very few calories and contains 200mg of caffeine.

That means it won’t weigh you down during training. A pre-workout supplement is designed to help you power through a workout. But you can also use Celsius as an energy drink, or as a replacement for a cup of coffee.

Final Thoughts

This article started with a simple question: does Celsius burn fat? But the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might have wanted. Celsius is not a magic beverage that can help you shed inches from your waist.

So, if your plan is to lose weight by sipping on the sparkling orange flavor while watching Netflix, think again. The way I see it is that Celsius is a pre-workout supplement.

We can debate whether or not it’s actually healthy – but one thing is critical. Celsius contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that has been shown to help with weight loss.

If you’re feeling low energy, drinking a can of Celsius before exercise might help you power through a workout. But if you’re truly trying to lose weight, it’s much more important to burn more calories than you eat.

Related: How Much Caffeine is in Celsius?