Can You Put Parchment Paper In the Air Fryer?

It’s no secret that air frying food can make some delicious dishes (chicken and tilapia are my favorite). But this kitchen tool can also be quite messy. This brings us to the following question: can you put parchment paper in the air fryer?

Yes, you can safely put parchment paper in the air fryer by following these steps. Avoid placing the paper in your air fryer when preheating – as nothing will be holding it down and it will fly around.

It could potentially cause the paper to make contact with the heating elements in the air fryer – something you don’t want happening. You also want to make sure the parchment paper isn’t restricting any air.

Air fryers are meant to circulate air and this will cause problems if there’s a blockage. This can all be avoided with pre-cut paper that has perforated holes cut out.

What is Parchment Paper?

Parchment paper is an oven safe paper that’s typically used for cooking and baking food in the oven. It has a nonstick coating that prevents your cookies and other baked goods from getting stuck to the surface.

But parchment paper also provides grease and water resistance. That means it makes cleaning up much faster and easier (compared to a regular surface of a baking sheet).

Using parchment paper in the oven is straightforward. All you need to do is tear a sheet from your roll and cover a baking sheet. Then you can simply place whatever you’re baking on the paper, before putting it in the oven.

The problem is that you won’t be able to do this in a basket air fryer. Placing a sheet of regular parchment paper on the bottom of the basket will block and prevent air from circulating inside the machine.

Parchment Paper for Air Fryer

Today, you can find parchment paper specifically made for the air fryer. It works just like regular parchment paper, but it’s cut in different shapes so it can fit in the device.

Parchment paper made for the air fryer also has perforated holes – which helps improve airflow when your food is cooking. Air fryers work by circulating air, so it’s critical to avoid creating any restrictions when using your machine.

Parchment Paper vs Wax Paper

Some people often talk about parchment paper and wax paper as if they are the same. However, they are completely different materials.

The main difference relates to coatings. Parchment paper is coated with silicone to give it a more nonstick and heat-resistant surface.

Wax paper on the other hand is coated with wax (as you can tell from the name). This means that wax paper does not have the same heat resistance and should not be used around high heat.

You should NEVER put wax paper in your air fryer. I cannot emphasis this enough, because the wax paper will melt.

Instead, use wax paper for wrapping up food to store in the fridge, or as a surface for spreading out chocolate-coated baked goods for cooling purposes.

How to Use Parchment Paper in Air Fryer

The steps outlined below apply to basket style air fryers. Just remember that most air fryer parchment paper is made for basket style models (these are square and circle shaped).

  1. Preheat your air fryer to the required temperature and don’t put anything in just yet.
  2. Once the air fryer is up to temperature, place your food and parchment paper inside. Make sure the food is evenly spaced so the parchment paper doesn’t blow around.
  3. Remove your food when the timer goes off and allow the air fryer to cool down, before taking out the parchment paper.

As someone who has an oven style air fryer, I never use parchment paper. The main reason is that it has a drip try at the bottom. The whole idea with basket style air fryers is that food helps weigh down the paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you use regular parchment paper in an air fryer?

Yes, you can use regular parchment paper in an air fryer. But you will need to cut the paper first, so it can fit securely in the air fryer basket. It also helps to cut a few holes in the paper in order to create better airflow.

  • Why is my air fryer burning the parchment paper?

This problem can be caused by too high of a temperature, or cooking for too long. Most parchment paper is rated for use at temperatures no higher than 420-450 degrees F. That’s why it’s important to check the packaging for more details.

  • Do air fryers need liners?

At the end of the day, liners are not required for air fryers. Some people like to use them, because they can make cleaning up easier. But they can also restrict the circulation of air when used incorrectly.

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